Our comprehensive services are designed to meet practical, everyday needs, ranging from advice and planning to manufacture and expert installation on site.
 Our aim is to make the optimum
product for you, embodying forward looking technology, and to integrate this into your production operation smoothly and efficiently. Needless to say, our activities range from analysing your needs to training your personnel.
 And it doesn t stop there. All our innovations, product developments and new additions are passed on directly to our customers. As a result, they always have the latest technology at their disposal - something that pays off.
 The same applies to the modernisation of older, yet still functional equipment, which can be updated by STEIN specialists at any time. With the installation of new air circulation, heating and cleaning systems, an old cooker can be brought up to the latest state of the art. Even an old control system can be replaced by a modern microprocessor, and an obsolete smoke generator by its latest counterpart. STEIN specialists make almost everything possible.
 If you wish, we give you a demonstration of the technical perfection of the STEIN products and the scope of our services. We would be pleased to arrange an appointment with you, so that you can bring your products and put STEIN technology to the test.

 Our engineers use the latest CAD technology.

 STEIN - From the heart of Europe to the world over. |